Child Safety at the Comets

Our Commitment to Child Safety

We promote a safe, inclusive and friendly environment for all children and young people. We have zero tolerance to mistreatment and abuse of children and young people. We have a Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct all members must abide by. We encourage all members to model safe behaviours (online and in person) with children and young people. We use positive reinforcement to support our children and young people. We encourage all children and young people to ‘have a say’ at our club. 

A safe and inclusive club ensures that people from a range of different backgrounds feel valued and welcomed and have equal access to opportunities and resources, creating a safer environment. All our football programs and activities must encourage and support safe and inclusive experiences for all children and young people, including those who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, children and young people with disabilities, children and young people from culturally diverse backgrounds and children and young people who identify as LGBTI+, transgender and/or non-binary. 

We will respond promptly to any concerns you may have. Remember to say something if you see or hear something. Ajay Asthana is the Club's Child Safety Officer and can be contacted at or by phone on 0415 035 626. Click here to view our Child Safety Policy

The Club has undertaken a review of our Child Safety obligations in accordance with legislative changes introduced in July 2022. In addition to updating our Policy, all members of the Club Committee have taken part in education and training webinars run by the AFL, and Child Safety is a standing agenda item on all Committee agendas.